Abstract No.:

New developments in the PROTAL® process for the coating of cylinder bores

Sophie Costil* / IRTES-LERMPS / UTBM, France
Hanlin Liao / LERMPS / UTBM, France
Yoann Danlos/ LERMPS / UTBM, France
Christian Coddet/ LERMPS / UTBM, France

To avoid constraints due to the conventional surface preparation before thermal spraying (degreasing and sand-blasting), the PROTAL® process was developed implementing a Q-Switched Nd:YAG laser with a very short pulse duration to prepare the surface simultaneously to the coating build-up. Until now some interesting results were obtained particularly from the adherence point of view. Specific parameters were also developed according to the spraying process (APS, HVOF, wire arc), the powder (Cu alloy, Al2O3, WC-Co, ?) as well as the part nature (Ni alloy, Magnesium, steel, aluminium alloys, etc.).

Considering the enlargement of thermal spraying applications in the industry, strong developments are implementing particularly in the automotive domain. Spraying treatments are also developed on several pieces as conrods, cylinders bores, etc. However, the adhesion of the coating on the different possible substrates is always a key factor for the success of these operations.

Then, to increase the applications of the PROTAL® process, new developments were also implemented particularly to have an internal laser treatment of the parts. After a presentation of the integration of such new laser head in the thermal spray environment, some results will be presented. The case of metallic coatings (ferrous alloy) on metallic parts (aluminium alloy) will be particularly studied.

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