Abstract No.:

Basic physics and engineering program system splat - spray deposit for computer-aided design of coatings formation

Oleg Solonenko* / Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
Vitaliy Blednov/ Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, SB RAS, Russia
Vladimir Iordan/ Altay State University, Russia

In our previous publications the preference was given to develop the theoretical fundamentals which could be used for rapid and sufficiently accurate prediction of thickness and diameter of splat because of they are very important for computer-aided design and optimising the thermal spray technologies. Theoretical solutions derived have permitted to obtain the number of practically useful consequences are of interest for thermal spray technology in context of sensitivity analysis and establishing the inverse link between the splat characteristics and the key physical parameters (KPPs), i.e. temperature, velocity and size of droplet, and substrate temperature prior to their interaction.
For constructive solution of the feedback problem, there are formulated the essence of this notion. The natural basis is the requirements imposed on splats as elements of the mesostructure, from which the coating is formed in the course of spraying. This approach, realized as subsystem SPLAT, allows one at the first stage of designing a coating to concentrate the attention on the space-time characteristics of splat formation. After comprehensive evaluation of the operation room of KPPs, providing the formation of splats required, subsystem SPRAY DEPOSIT allows one at the second stage of designing a coating to predict its lamellar structure taking into account a variable surface topology at splat by splat deposition, and to estimate the functional characteristics of coating as a whole (density, porosity, adhesion, cohesion etc.).

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