Abstract No.:

The influence of the application conditions by flame spraying on the behavior and properties of polymer coatings

Maria Fedorova / Technological Systems for Protective Coatings, Ltd., Russian Federation
Lev Baldaev / Technological systems for protective coatings Ltd, Russia
Sergey Baldaev/ Technological systems for protective coatings Ltd, Russia
Sergey Mankovsky/ Technological systems for protective coatings Ltd, Russia
Alsu Akhmetgareeva/ Technological systems for protective coatings Ltd, Russia
Stanislav Sheremetev/ Technological systems for protective coatings Ltd, Russia

Polymer coatings  a perspective direction for the surfaces protection as corrosion-resistant, wear-resistant, erosion-resistant coatings. However, the polymer industry is developing at an incredible rate, there are new properties, modifications, materials.
It is worth noting that today there are both technical (improving coating performance) and economical challenges (lower the coating costs) which have to be solved for future applications.
Accordingly, we have conducted investigations to improve the coating mechanical properties.
The aim of this study was to explore the behavior of the polymer coatings, particularly with respect to corrosion resistance, and the influence of process parameters on the coatings properties.
Also in this work, the influence of substrate temperature on adhesion strength of coatings was investigated by substrate pre-heating.
The quality and the characteristics of the coating were evaluated by destructive and non-destructive examination methods. Additionally, corrosion laboratory investigation such as climatic exposure tests was also performed.
Parameters of flame spray process were optimized and the behavior of polymer coating was studied.
The work results indicate that the application conditions have an effect on the quality of thermally sprayed polymer coatings.

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