Abstract No.:

Low temperature soldering of laser structured and metallic coated fibre reinforced plastics

Kevin Gustke* / Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany
Thomas Lampke / TU Chemnitz, Germany
David Kupke/ TU Chemnitz, Germany
Jana Gebauer/ Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology, Germany
Gerd Paczkowski/ TU Chemnitz, Germany
Udo Klotzbach/ Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology, Germany


Fibre reinforced plastics (FRP) exhibit high mechanical properties combined with low density. Thermoset FRP and metals are mainly connected by mechanical joining processes or adhesive bonding. Mechanical joining processes reduce the mechanical properties of the FRP by cutting the fibres. Due to the low bond strength of adhesives, large overlapping areas are necessary. Furthermore, they require a long curing time and are inseparable. The study examines a new joining technology whereby the surface of the thermoset FRP is preconditioned by a laser structuring process. Thereby, the fibres are exposed to improve the adhesive strength for thermal spray coating. Different coating materials are applied for surface functionalization using wire arc spraying. Subsequently, a brazing process joins the coated FRP with the metal sheet. The metal sheet does not receive any surface treatment. Different brazing alloys and laser structures are studied. The mechanical properties of the metal-FRP-composite are investigated by tensile adhesion tests. The bonding of the metallic coating and the brazing alloy are analysed by microscopy and scanning electron microscopy.

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