Abstract No.:

Measurement of density and composition for additive manufacturing via cold spray process

H. Lee / Ajou University, South Korea
K.H. Ko / Ajou Univerisity, Korea
B. Ahn/ Ajou Univerisity, Korea
J. S. Park/ Ajou Univerisity, Korea

Additive manufacturing (AM) technique has been developed for functionalized components and to produce complex architectures or shapes that are technically unfeasible through conventional machining processes. This innovative method can also bring benefits, such as reduction of both manufacturing cost and material consumption, variety of material solutions and/or combinations. With the cold spray method for AM, the powders are sprayed onto a substrate under supersonic conditions to generate coatings or bulk components by self-consolidation due to the continuous collisions on the substrate. Unlike the coatings by cold spray, the bulk properties, such as density, hardness and strength, are very important. Many researchers have been used image analyze of microstructures for measuring the density and compositions. In the present study, a new method of analyzing the density and compositions of cold-sprayed bulk for additive manufacturing will be presented. Also, the comparative studies between image analysis and the new method will be discussed in detail.

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