Abstract No.:

 Scheduled at:
Thursday, May 05, 2022, Hall G1 9:20 AM

Tribological performance of thin HVAF-sprayed WC-CoCr coatings fabricated employing fine powder feedstock

Kaveh Torkashvand* / University West, Sweden
Shrikant Joshi / University West, Sweden
Mohit Gupta/ University West, Sweden
Stefan Björklund/ University West, Sweden

Thermal spray WC-CoCr coatings are commonly employed for wear resistant applications. Various thermal spray techniques can be utilized to process this class of feedstock materials. However, high velocity air fuel (HVAF) technique has shown to be a promising route for deposition of WC-based coatings with negligible decarburization thanks to relatively low flame temperature in this method. This is even more important when spraying finer powder particles which are further prone to decarburization. Powder feedstock with finer size distribution can improve microstructural characteristics such as density and this can pave the way for reducing the thickness of WC-CoCr coatings down to 50 µm that could potentially show comparable performance as the conventional thicker (~200 um) coatings. Reducing coatings’ thickness to 50 µm can significantly reduce both feedstock and operation costs. In this study, first the possibility of producing uniform thin (~50 um) coatings using the HVAF technique will be scrutinized. The coatings will be comprehensively characterized for microstructure, phase constitution, hardness etc. and their performance under sliding wear conditions will be investigated and compared with conventional thick (~200 um) coatings.

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