Abstract No.:

 Scheduled at:
Thursday, May 05, 2022, Hall D 3:00 PM
Cold Gas Spraying I

Cold spray additive manufacturing process to produce IN625 and cucrzr large-scale parts for rocket engines - hurdles and challenges

Steffen Beyer* / ArianeGroup GmbH, Germany

An ultra-low cost reusable rocket engine, Prometheus is set to power Europe’s future launcher. Constructed using 3D printing technology, the core of the engine is the thrust chamber and in particular the combustion chamber. Cold Spraying (CS) was selected to spray-form the copper chamber liner and to deposit In625 for the load bearing structure (jacket).

The technological challenges are the combination of two different materials (copper and Inconel) and the application of a common heat treatment to achieve required material properties of the liner and the jacket. Currently, the insufficient lifetime of the spray nozzles limits a continuous coating process and increases costs. ArianeGroup developing a new generation of spray nozzles for Cold Spray (Cold Gas Spraying) process to prevent the so-called nozzle clogging.

In cooperation with external specialists and technology leaders as well as supported by the DLR and ESA, intensive work has been done in recent years on the powder and process optimization and process monitoring to prepare the upcoming industrialization.

The presentation gives an overview of the development status, the medium and long-term objectives

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