Abstract No.:

 Scheduled at:
Wednesday, June 04, 2008, Auditorium 2 10:00 AM
Cold Spraying 1
Everything around this young thermal spraying technique, possible applications and latest developments for equipment of high pressure and low pressure cold spraying, models and simulations for a deeper process knowledge

Particle image velocimetry of cold spray CP titanium

Saden (Heshmatollah) Zahiri* / CSIRO, Australia
William Yang / Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation ( CSIRO) , Australia
Mahnaz Jahedi/ Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation ( CSIRO), Australia

Titanium is widely used in aerospace, highly corrosive environments and implants due to unique properties such as high strength to weight ratio and excellent corrosion resistance. Cold gas dynamic spray (cold spray) technology in contrast to current fabrication technologies has provided the potential for titanium to be utilized in broader industrial applications and at lower cost. Particle velocity is the most important parameter in cold spray process that leads to successful deposition of titanium at supersonic speeds. In this study, particle image velocimetry (PIV) is utilized to determine particle speed for a commercially pure (CP) titanium powder for a range of cold spray parameters such as temperature, pressure and feed rate. The results show the significance of PIV in optimization of the nozzle configuration and cold spray parameters to achieve the maximum velocity for particles. Further more, the PIV results can be a useful tool for validation of the current models developed for cold spray process.

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