Abstract No.:

 Scheduled at:
Tuesday, June 03, 2008, Room 08 10:50 AM
Nanomaterials 1
Most coating materials gain superior coating performance when applied as nanostructured coating, new designed materials and optimized processes show promising results for this

Characterization and properties of ceramic nanostructured coatings elaborated by thermal spraying of suspensions

Filofteia-Laura Toma* / Fraunhofer IWS, Germany
Lutz-Michael Berger / Fraunhofer Institute Material und Beam Technology, Germany
Tobias Naumann/ Fraunhofer Institute Material und Beam Technology, Germany
Carl-Christoph Stahr/ Fraunhofer Institute Material und Beam Technology, Germany
Stefan Langner/ Fraunhofer Institute Material und Beam Technology, Germany

The functional characteristics of materials such as mechanical, electrical, environmental or tribological performances can be significantly improved using nanostructured feedstock. In the last few years, many researches were dedicated to the development of thermal spraying technique with liquid precursors to elaborate fine nanostructured coatings.
In this work nanostructured ceramic deposits were prepared by the technique of suspension thermal spraying. Nanosized and submicrometer- titania and alumina powders were used to prepare aqueous and alcoholic suspensions. Atmospheric plasma and high-velocity flame were employed as enthalpic sources. Different systems were designed for the injection of the suspensions.
Morphology and crystalline structure of the sprayed ceramics were mainly characterized by SEM and XRD. Photocatalytic activities of TiO2 and electrical properties of Al2O3 coatings were evaluated.
The aim of this work consists in a comparative study and discussions on the nanostructured ceramic coatings properties as a function of the physico-chemical properties of feedstock suspensions and spraying parameters.

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