Abstract No.:

 Scheduled at:
Wednesday, June 04, 2008, Auditorium 2 8:20 AM
Cold Spraying 1
Everything around this young thermal spraying technique, possible applications and latest developments for equipment of high pressure and low pressure cold spraying, models and simulations for a deeper process knowledge

Cold spraying: recent developments and application potential

Thomas Klassen* / Helmut Schmidt University Institute for Materials Technology, Germany
Tobias Schmidt / Helmut Schmidt University, Germany
Frank Gärtner/ Helmut Schmidt University, Germany
Heinrich Kreye/ Helmut Schmidt University, Germany

For optimum spraying conditions and coating performance, a comprehensive understanding of the cold spray process and bonding mechanisms is required. Computer simulations visualize the bonding process and allow for extracting critical parameters. This presentation summarizes the current model for coating formation based on adiabatic shear instabilities, which relates critical velocities to mechanical and thermal properties of the spray material. Critical conditions and optimization procedures for certain materials groups will be discussed. In addition, the state of the art in spraying equipment is reviewed. Special emphasis is put on recent improvements that ensure better coating performance and widen the range of sprayable materials. Different examples are presented to elucidate the potential for a variety of coating and substrate materials.

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