Abstract No.:

 Scheduled at:
Monday, September 16, 2013, Hall Europa 10:00 AM

Implementing new technologies in education and training in welding - A precondition to deal with the future of welding

Christian Ahrens / GSI mbH, Germany
Steffen Keitel*/ GSI - Gesellschaft für Schweißtechnik International mbH, Germany
Özgur Akcam/ GSI SLV TR, Turkey
Yinglong Xie/ WTI Harbin, China

Qualification approved worldwide is the unique feature of the welding technology organised in the IIW which transforms the specifications of the national and international standards concerning the qualification of welding personnel into practice.
The methodical competence of teaching knowledge is further developed by training concepts supported by development of digital equipment, multi media and the Internet.
Complex and multi-national manufacturing processes require new opportunities for the education of skilled personnel in welding as well in testing technology.

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