Abstract No.:

 Scheduled at:
Tuesday, September 17, 2013, Hall Europa 2:45 PM
Session 5: Application: Procedures and Processes

Modern arc welding - a process quantum leap to improve welding automation

Stephan Egerland / FRONIUS International GmbH, Österreich
Heinz Hackl* / FRONIUS International GmbH, Austria

Even nowadays welding is considered a special process. Many variables interacting make weld quality difficult to predict. Mechanising the welding operation has proven suitable to enhance result reproducibility hereby to enable high quality output. Welding automation hence can be considered the highest level to achieve both. Besides advanced components, e.g. jigs, controllers etc. understandably the welding process itself proves crucially important. Increasing productivity, gas metal arc welding (GMAW) is desired to be used mechanised or automated. However, particular attention should be paid to the fact being a consumable electrode welding process, hereby rising complexity. Controlled GMAW processes, such as Cold Metal Transfer (CMT), have drastically changed this condition, allowing for calculable droplet transfer and remarkably improved weld pool control. CMT-Twin, doubling the number of wire electrodes, can be considered thus a quantum leap in process technology providing significant benefits particularly to the welding automation sector.

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