Abstract No.: |
Scheduled at:
Wednesday, May 21, 2014, Hall F 11:30 AM Cold Gas Spraying 1
Title: |
Single impact bonding of cold sprayed Ti6Al4V powders onto different substrates
Authors: |
Sergi Dosta / Thermal Spray Centre (CPT) - Universitat de Barcelona, SPAIN Maria Villa* / Thermal Spray Centre (CPT) - Universitat de Barcelona, Spain Thomas Klassen/ Helmut-Schmidt-Universität, Germany Josep Maria Guilemany/ Thermal Spray Centre (CPT) - Universitat de Barcelona, Spain Frank Gärtner/ Helmut-Schmidt-Universität, Germany Alexander List/ Helmut-Schmidt-Universität, Germany
Abstract: |
Cold spraying of spherical Ti-6Al-4V was performed with nitrogen and helium as process gas onto titanium, steel, and aluminum alloy substrates, to study particles bonding mechanism based on the structure and physical properties of the materials
Single impacts were produced by so called wipe tests, and single splat adhesion was investigated by applying a modified cavitation test. Impact morphologies and particle removal in cavitation testing were subsequently studied by Electron Microscopy.
The investigations demonstrate that spherical Ti-6Al-4V particles bonding mechanisms are different depending on substrate properties (hardness, thermal conductivity, crystal structure, melting point, ductility and cold work hardening). The more similar the materials are, stronger bonding is formed due to adiabatic shear instabilities and microfusion produced because of impact. With dissimilar materials, mechanical anchoring is produced, and no microfusion traces are found, having lower adhesion strength values