Abstract No.: |
Scheduled at:
Wednesday, May 21, 2014, Hall F 10:50 AM Cold Gas Spraying 1
Title: |
Fe-base metallic glass coatings built-up by means of cold gas spray technology
Authors: |
Sergi Dosta / Thermal Spray Centre (CPT) - Universitat de Barcelona, SPAIN Amadeu Concustell* / Thermal Spray Centre (CPT) - Universitat de Barcelona, Maria Villa/ Thermal Spray Centre (CPT) - Universitat de Barcelona, Josep Maria Guilemany/ Thermal Spray Centre (CPT) - Universitat de Barcelona,
Abstract: |
The interest for metallic glasses (MGs) has been triggered in part by their unique mechanical properties, in many cases superior to their crystalline counterparts. Fe-base MGs have attracted attention due to their relatively low-cost, good glass forming ability and high compressive strength. One of the main technological drawbacks of MGs is that they typically show limited plasticity at room temperature. However, this drawback could be overcome in coatings since their process zone size might be bigger than the coating thickness. In order to retain its metastable atomic structure, Cold Gas Spray technology (CGS) has been used to build-up coatings of Fe-base MGs on carbon steel. Impact morphologies of MG particles have been studied for different deposition conditions and extensive shear band formation has been revealed. Interestingly, coatings have been built-up in conditions of serrated flow. Structural and morphological characterization of the coatings has been carried out demonstrating their amorphous nature. Furthermore, mechanical properties of amorphous feedstock and coatings have been measured by means of nanoindentation