Abstract No.: |
Scheduled at:
Wednesday, May 21, 2014, Hall A 3:00 PM Comparision Thermal Spraying VS. other Surface Technologies
Title: |
Fe-based powder alloys deposited by HVOF and HVAF for wear applications
Authors: |
Christophe Lyphout / University West, Sweden Senad Dizdar*/ Höganäs AB, Sweden Petri Vuoristo/ Tampere University of Technology, Finland Heli Koivuluoto/ Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Abstract: |
Alternative to Electrolytic Hard Chrome (EHC) method has been pioneered the past decades by High Kinetic Thermal Spray Technology, such as conventional HVOF processes, to deposit WC- and Cr3C2-based coated materials for improved wear and corrosion resistance. Growing economic and environmental interests are nowadays focused on replacing those conventional process and materials by spraying Iron-based coatings utilizing newly developed HVAF systems, which are processing at higher kinetic energy and more particularly at lower temperature, which significantly reduces feedstock oxidation and/or decarburization. The present study is investigating the deposition of Fe-based powder alloys utilizing a newly developed HVAF-M3 system and compared to conventional HVOF process. Powder chemistry and size distribution influence on coating density, wear and corrosion resistance are preliminary discussed, and investigated through a systematic parametric study.