Abstract No.: |
Scheduled at:
Wednesday, May 21, 2014, Hall H1 & H2 4:57 PM "Young Professionals"
Title: |
Robot-assisted near-net shape coating of regular geometric parts by means of HVOF using fine WC-12Co powder (-10+2µm)
Authors: |
Dominic Stangier* / TU Dortmund University
Institute of Materials Engineering, Germany Wolfgang Tillmann / TU Dormund University, Germany Peter Hollingsworth/ TU Dormund University, Germany
Abstract: |
In this study, fine spherical WC-12Co powder agglomerates (-10+2µm) were pro-cessed by means of high velocity oxygen fuel spraying, using previously optimized process parameters in order to coat regular geometric parts with varying inner and outer quarter radii between 5 and 40 mm. The goal of this study is to achieve near-net shape coatings with favorable properties concerning wear protection applica-tions (high hardness and low porosity) on the mentioned parts. Using an industrial robot and a HVOF system specifically designed for the processing of fine powders, the components were coated with a linear vertical and a horizontal path strategy. The focus of the analyses was set on the deviation of the handling parameters (gun velocity, spraying angle, stand-off distance, track pitch) as a result of the varying geometry of the different parts and its effect on the coating properties. Furthermore, restrictions and the identification of possible critical positions were investigated as well. Subsequently, two different models for the layer thickness were established for the gun velocity and the track pitch in order to determine its dependence before the offline-path planning was adjusted sector-specifically to obtain a near-net shape coating. Finally the coating properties of the two different optimization loops were compared to the initial results and improvements regarding a definite coating thickness were discussed. This study shows that there are no restrictions to the size of the radii and the shape of the geometry (inner and outer radii). Furthermore, a linear vertical trajectory shows smaller deviations to the aspired coating thickness. In addition, the results prove that the generation of models for the adaptation of the gun velocity and track pitch can be realized and has indeed an effect on the contour accuracy.