Abstract No.:

 Scheduled at:
Wednesday, September 16, 2015, Saal Shanghai 9:30 AM
Technology and Trends 1

New concepts for a VR-based welders' training using simulated 3D enviroments

Teresa Geimer / EWM AG , Deutschland
Boyan Ivanov* / EWM AG, Deutschland

Virtual Reality (VR) is becoming a more and more important part of our everyday life. New areas of using VR technology are found almost every day. Areas which are ideal for using VR are training and further education. Especially when it comes to sectors where training and further education costs are generally high costs can be reduced considerably while training efficiency can be improved. A good example where this kind of training is applied is pilot and aircraft training.
When it comes to welding VR still is rather unknown. Training and further education of welding personnel (be it a welder or a welding engineer) are costly with regard to time and material. Current market requirements force manufacturers and companies to produce faster and more efficient; at the same time the quality is expected to improve. This is where virtual training methods can be used to offer new possibilities. Trough their pedagogical approach resulting in increased training efficiency virtual training systems are ready to be used in everyday training.
Capturing welding movements in 3D and elaborated ergonomic visual guides make it possible for the trainees to focus on their motor skills and correct errors during their training. Training time is virtually identical to the overall time required. Support by the supervisor can be considerably improved, too.
Within welding training and education making use of such benefits of VR training systems still tends to be difficult or is simply unknown. This presentation aims at showing approaches and methods when introducing such systems as well as applying them in practical everyday welding.

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