Abstract No.:

 Scheduled at:
Wednesday, September 16, 2015, Saal Shanghai 2:00 PM
Education and Experiences 1

Virtual welder qualifications - Is there any value?

David Landon* / 2015 President American Welding Society, Iowa
Joseph Bailey/ Vermeer Corporation, USA
David Elsloo/ Vermeer Corporation, USA

As the use of virtual reality for welder training continues to gain popularity, one of the recent advances has been the addition of virtual welder qualification tests. This paper will explore the use of virtual welder qualification testing for entry-level welders employed by a U.S. manufacturer of agriculture and industrial equipment. Vermeer Corporation has been an early adopter of the use of virtual reality in the training of entry-level welders. Virtual welder qualification testing is a recent advancement in the software upgrades of the VRTEX360. Vermeer Corporation currently uses virtual welder qualifications as part of the curriculum for entry welder training and a prerequisite to attempting an actual welder performance qualification test. Using quantitative and qualitative data from their program, this paper will investigate the use and value of virtual welder performance testing with entry-level welders in the heavy equipment manufacturing environment.

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