Abstract No.:

 Scheduled at:
Wednesday, February 20, 2019, Hall Mailand 10:35 AM
Pleanry Session

A European approach to changes in vocational education training and digital training processes in the manufacturing sector welding case

Eurico Assunção* / EWF, Portugal
L. Coutinho / EWF, Portugal
R. Ferraz/ EWF, Portugal

1,3 EWF  European Federation for Welding, Joining and Cutting, 2IST  Instituto Superior Tecnico Lisboa,
Within the manufacturing industry, welding is one area where the impact is being felt since more sophisticated and advanced welding processes require the ability to learn about materials and their characteristics, as well as how to operate complex tools and machinery, where digital skills are extremely important and interwoven into the processes. What was once an established learning profile is quickly changing, and the issues faced by professionals and companies alike range from the need to quickly adapt to change, streamline retraining and reskilling, ensure transferability between traditional education systems and technical education and, finally, to integrate modularity on existing qualifications systems.
To bring training and learning methodologies up to the current standards for digital natives, EWF and its members are looking at the development of innovative ICT training solutions potentially including Welding Simulators, Game-Based Learning, and Serious Gaming. These are new and innovative teaching methods that allow learners to explore playfully different parts of a scenario and obtain new skills and knowledge more quickly and intuitively; ensuring that the challenge of training and re-training the new manufacturing workforce is done in accordance with the requirements of the industry.

Keywords: digital welding training, digital vet tools, learning methodologies, game-based learning, work-based learning, welding simulators, EWF training, European Welding Federation.

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