Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Time Hall G-1
09:00 AM Opening of ITSC 2011
K. Middeldorf, General Manager, DVS
C. Kay, General Chairman ITSC 2011

Best Paper Awards ITSC 2011
K. Bobzin, Technical Chairman ITSC 2011

TSS Hall of Fame
C. Kay, TSS President

C. Wasserman, President TLS TeroLab Surface Group SA

Plenary Lecture
C. Siry, Lufthansa Technik AG
Requirements and field experience of applied aircraft surface technologies

Session Chairman: P. Heinrich, General Chairman ITSC
Time Saal A Saal B2.1 Saal B2.2 Saal C2.1 Saal C2.2
10:40 AM Coffee Break
11:00 AM
Aviation Industry 1
Session Chair:
M. Thoma / H. Kreye
Abstract-No.:   3001
High efficient thermal spraying processes and strategies for aviation industry
H. Kaßner*, T. Gärtner, E. Höck

HVOF & Flame Spraying 1
Session Chair:
K. Nassenstein / C. Moreau
Abstract-No.:   2965
Computer controlled detonation spraying: From basic physical phenomena towards advance applications
I. Smurov*, V. Ulianitsky

Modeling & Simulation 1
Session Chair:
B. Wielage / J. Legoux
Abstract-No.:   3019
Modeling of peening stress in HVOF sprayed IN718 coating
C. Lyphout*, P. Nylén, C. Persson

Wear Protection 1
Session Chair:
K. Bobzin / T. Grund
Abstract-No.:   2661
Abrasive wear of flame sprayed and fused NiCrBSi alloys
S. Dizdar*, L. Nilsson, B. Maroli

Powders, Wires & Suspensions
Session Chair:
G. Schürholt / M. Dorfman
Abstract-No.:   2952
New cermet powders for HVOF spraying with improved corrosion and oxidation resistance for offshore, mining and power generation applications
S. Zimmermann*, B. Gries, B. Brüning

11:25 AM
Abstract-No.:   2859
Thermal barrier layers in rocket engines development and testing
D. Soysal*, A. Ansar, T. Bauer, M. Negri, H. Ciezki

Abstract-No.:   2528
Influence of handling parameters on coating characteristics in order to produce near-net-shape wear resistant coatings
B. Krebs*, W. Tillmann

Abstract-No.:   2989
Stress and microstructure evolutions during deposition of thermal barrier coatings by plasma spraying
K. Shinoda, S. Sampath*

Abstract-No.:   2644
Influences of process and material morphology in the case of carbide coatings
J. Girgulis, A. Barth*, D. Chen, C. Dambra

Abstract-No.:   2754
Novel titania feed-stock powder for significant improvements in process economics and enhanced coating properties
A. Sharma*, M. Nestler

11:50 AM
Abstract-No.:   2618
Improving long term oxidation protection for gamma-TiAl substrates
T. Linke*, K. Bobzin, T. Schläfer, T. Warda, M. Brühl

Abstract-No.:   2725
High velocity suspension flame spraying of nano oxide containing suspensions
A. Killinger*, R. Gadow

Abstract-No.:   2971
Splat formation mechanism in thermal spray process according to substrate temperature and ambient pressure change
M. Fukumoto*, Y. Ebisuno, S. Yoshida, M. Yamada, T. Yasui

Abstract-No.:   2983
Mechanical properties of WC-Co coatings prepared by cold and warm spray processes
J. Kitamura*, M. Watanabe, P. Chivavibul, M. Komatsu, K. Sakaki, S. Kuroda

Abstract-No.:   2850
Comparing study of iron based, highly carbide containing alloys regarding melting and atomisation properties
S. Schuberth*, B. Wielage

12:15 PM
Abstract-No.:   2982
Design of thermal barrier coatings for optimal performance by finite element modeling
M. Gupta*, P. Nylén, J. Wigren

Abstract-No.:   2631
Study on the stainless steel 316L coatings sprayed by high pressure HVOF
B. Sun*, N. Ohno

Abstract-No.:   2758
A method for residual stress estimation of AZ31 under cold spray coating
R. Ghelichi*, M. Guagliano, H. Jahed, J. Villafuerte

Abstract-No.:   2671
Functionally graded WC-Co/NiAl HVOF coatings for damage tolerance, wear and corrosion protection
L. Lusvarghi, G. Bolelli*, V. Cannillo, R. Rosa, A. Valarezo, W. Choi, C. Weyant , S. Sampath

Abstract-No.:   2969
What makes a good precursor for solution plasma spray
E. Jordan*, C. Muoto, M. Gell, M. Aindow

12:40 PM Opening of DVS Expo
Expo Hall H
01:00 PM Lunch Break
Expo Hall H
02:00 PM
Metals Processing 1
Session Chair:
G. Bloschies / T. Schläfer
Abstract-No.:   2493
Trends of thermal spray technology in steel industry from the view point of patent applications in Japan
Y. Namba*, K. Tani

Cold Spraying 1
Session Chair:
P. Heinrich / C. Kay
Abstract-No.:   2848
Study of powder condition influence on precipitation hardening stainless steel coatings obtained with cold gas spraying
S. Dosta, C. Lorenzana*, N. Martínez, S. Dosta, J. Guilemany

Tribological Coatings 1
Session Chair:
K. Tani / M. Boulos
Abstract-No.:   2434
Sintering process occurring at suspension plasma sprayed of some oxides
L. Pawlowski*, L. Latka, S. Goryachev

Nanomaterial Coatings 1
Session Chair:
S. Tao / P. Fauchais
Abstract-No.:   2520
Nano surfaces - a future for thermal spray?
A. Nicoll*

Characterization & Testing 1
Session Chair:
X. Huang / C. Hofmann
Abstract-No.:   2999
Understanding of spray coating adhesion through the formation of a single lamella
S. Goutier*, M. Vardelle, P. Fauchais

02:25 PM
Abstract-No.:   2869
Tribological behavior of novel suspension plasma sprayed coatings for hot extrusion tools
M. Erne*, D. Kolar, K. Möhwald, F. Bach

Abstract-No.:   2716
Influence of powder particle oxidation on poperties of cold sprayed tantalum
L. Descurninges*, A. Nifa, L. Berthe, M. Boustie, K. Ogawa, T. Laguionie, L. Bianchi

Abstract-No.:   2973
Understanding the intrinsic correlation between thermo-mechanical properties and microstructural characteristics of plasma sprayed coatings
Z. Yin*, X. Tan, S. Tao, C. Li, Q. Wang, C. Ding

Abstract-No.:   2609
Nanostructured WC-Co coatings manufactured from fine powders (10 + 2 µm) with ultra fine carbides (400 nm) by means of HVOF
I. Baumann, W. Tillmann, P. Hollingsworth*, M. Paulus, F. Wieland

Abstract-No.:   2854
Experimental study of stainless steel 316L coatings on light alloys obtained by cold gas spray
S. Dosta, J. Fernandez, J. Guilemany

02:50 PM
Abstract-No.:   2638
Properties of low-pressure cold sprayed coatings for repairing of casting defects
H. Koivuluoto, M. Kylmälahti, P. Vuoristo*

Abstract-No.:   2873
Investigation on the effect of helium-to-nitrogen ratio as propellant gas mixture on the processing of titanium coating using cold gas dynamic spray and nozzle design optimization
E. Irissou*, F. Ilinca, W. Wong, M. Tremblay, J. Legoux, S. Yue

Abstract-No.:   2564
Heat-treatment induced microstructural evolution of TiC-based hard metal coatings
S. Matthews*, J. Fendt, M. Hyland, L. Berger

Abstract-No.:   2546
Development of composite coatings composed of a stainless steel matrix and tungsten carbide nano-inclusions by plasma spraying
K. Wittmann-Ténèze, J. Pereira, P. Brelivet, L. Bianchi, R. Vert*

Abstract-No.:   2479
Adhesive strength evaluation of thermal sprayed coatings by tensile pin test
K. Sonoya*, K. Ishida

03:15 PM
Abstract-No.:   2778
Development of distortion compensation technologies for press die in the automotive industry
G. Bae*, H. Park, J. Won, W. Yong, K. Kang, C. Lee

Abstract-No.:   3149
The influence of metal binder of WC cermet powder for cold spraying
J. Kitamura, K. Sato*, D. Seo, H. Furukawa

Abstract-No.:   2961
Thermophysical and microstructural studies on thermally sprayed chromium carbide coatings
S. Thiele*, J. Spatzier

Abstract-No.:   2549
Investigation of mechanical properties of coatings and bulk components of various grain sized tungsten-carbide-cobalt based materials
R. Gansert*, D. Grant, D. Lugan, B. Weinstein, M. Watson

Abstract-No.:   2467
Effect of vacuum heat treatment on tensile strength and fracture performance of cold-sprayed Cu-4Cr-2Nb coatings
M. Yu*, W. Li, C. Zhang, H. Liao

03:40 PM Coffee Break
Expo Hall H
04:00 PM
Metals Processing 2
Session Chair:
S. Xu / H. Höhle
Abstract-No.:   2793
Direct manufacturing of titanium pipe by cold spray
S. Gulizia*

Cold Spraying 2
Session Chair:
B. Jodoin / S. Hartmann
Abstract-No.:   2817
Chemical interaction and adhesion in cold gas spraying
K. Ernst*, F. Gärtner, T. Klassen

Fuel Cells 1
Session Chair:
T. Lampke / M. Nestler
Abstract-No.:   2473
Vacuum plasma sprayed insulating layers suitable for brazing in high temperature fuel cells
J. Arnold*, R. Henne, R. Ruckdäschel, H. Grünling, U. Maier

Corrosion Protection 1
Session Chair:
A. Kirsten / C. Schulz
Abstract-No.:   2919
Gases and their right use in thermal spray processes
W. Krömmer*, P. Heinrich

Characterization & Testing 2
Session Chair:
A. Bachmann / S. Zimmermann
Abstract-No.:   2967
Characterization of mechanical properties by nanoindentation of bimodal WC-VC-Co coatings processed by HVOF thermal spraying
C. Poblano-Salas*, J. Cabral-Miramontes, F. Espinoza-Beltrán, R. Botello-De Jesús

04:25 PM
Abstract-No.:   2472
Build-up resistance of HVOF thermal sprayed NiCrAlY-Y2O3 cermet coatings
Y. Cheng-Sheng*, H. Jing-Yi, T. Mao-Jeng

Abstract-No.:   2810
Application of parameter selection maps in cold spraying
H. Assadi*, F. Gärtner, T. Schmidt, H. Richter, J. Kliemann, K. Binder, T. Klassen, H. Kreye

Abstract-No.:   2955
New thermal spray powders for SOFC components
S. Zimmermann, B. Gries*, H. Nakadate, B. Brüning

Abstract-No.:   2753
Comparative study of thermal sprayed polymers for corrosion and wear protection
C. Lima*, N. Souza, F. Camargo

Abstract-No.:   2599
Particle size distribution of the filling powder in cored wires and its effect on arc behavior, in-flight particle behavior, and splat formation
M. Abdulgader*, W. Tillmann

04:50 PM
Abstract-No.:   2640
Manufacturing and properties of cold sprayed Cu based coating materials for sputtering target
K. Lee*, Y. Jin, J. Cho, D. Park, H. Kim

Abstract-No.:   2771
Life cycle assessment comparison of various cold spray processes
A. Moign, A. Vardelle*, C. Chazelas, J. Legoux, E. Irissou

Abstract-No.:   2993
Improvement in microstructural integrity of Ca-doped LaCr2O3 interconnector coatings for SOFCs
C. Park, K. Baik, T. Jeong*

Abstract-No.:   2845
Corrosion resistance of thermally sprayed coatings and welded overlays in waste incineration environments
H. Pokhmurska*, B. Wielage, M. Schütze, R. Durham, D. Franik, A. Gebert

Abstract-No.:   2526
Electrochemical impedance measurement of thermally sprayed aluminum zinc alloys in synthetic seawater
K. Tani*, Y. Takatani, T. Masugata

05:30 PM Exhibitor Reception
Expo Hall H
DVS Photo Competition – Award Ceremony

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